Visitor Information

Visitors usually stay at Hoam Faculty House (HFH). It is on campus. It takes about 25 minutes to walk from there to the Physics Building (Building 56). There is a restaurant in the main building of HFH serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. There are also a number of cafeteria on campus.

Directions from the Incheon international airport to Hoam Faculty House at SNU.

You can get to SNU by bus or by taxi. We recommend the bus because the bus system is really nice.

Please go to the help desk and ask about the bus stop for Bus # 6017. Then go to a bus stop in the outside of the airport. Please take on Airport Limousine Bus # 6017. The final destination of this bus is the Hoam Faculty House at SNU. The bus fee is 15,000 KRW (about 15 USD).

Please find the taxi stop outside of the airport. Please ask the taxi driver to go to Hoam Faculty House at Seoul National University. The taxi fee is about 80,000 KRW (about 70 usd).

Campus Map

Korean version - The location of Hoam Faculty House (= Building 125) has been marked.

English version - Shows location of the Physics Building 56 where the CTP is located.

Contact Info

Center secretary (Seungyeob Jwa)

Office : Room 430, Physics Building (Building 56)
Office phone : 02-880-6145
Email : email address icon for Seoungyeob